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  • SexFemale
  • OriginAfrican
  • Sexual preferenceBisexual
  • CountryGB
  • LanguagesEN
  • Age52 (1973)
  • FigureM
  • SignAries
  • TattooNo
  • PiercingNo
  • SextoysYes
  • 1on1Yes
  • HDNo
  • 3DNo


I am a charismatic and captivating lady who brings a unique blend of charm, intellect, and sensuality to the screen. I'm not just about appearance; I engage in meaningful conversations and create a genuine connection. I'm open-minded, empathetic, and respectful of boundaries, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all. With me, you'll find a delightful combination of beauty, brains, and a welcoming personality that will keep you coming back for more.


Building connections, expressing myself, recieving positive feedback, exploring new ideas, feeling empowered, dressing up and compliments not forgetting reaping financial rewards.


Negative energy, disrespect, harassment and pushy requests


Monday to Sunday, from midday to late night with a few minutes in between for coffee breaks

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